[Qgis-community-team] figures side_by_side and references

Larissa Junek junek at gbd-consult.de
Thu Jul 19 06:55:47 PDT 2012

Hi Diethard and all,
great work, it's a good solution to work with tables for figures
side_by_side. I will implement your scheme in my files. Diethard, can
you mention this solution for figures side_by_side in the wiki and

I use nearly the same solution to handle references to figures. I
looked up the work we finished and found that most people use a more
simple description for figures e.g. .. _`georef_transform`:
in the plugins_georeferencer.rst . At this point of time let's go on
defining them like this, otherwise somebody has to go through all the
finished files and change the references to figures. Diethard, I think
it's an issue for the next step when we write the user_guide for QGIS
Also, let's write the definition for icons into the conf.py. It will be
less misleading for translators when the definition of icons takes
place in another file like the conf.py ... I think we have to keep
things simple and make it easy for translators to read the rst-files
and translate the content and not the whole code.
With kind regards,

On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 09:33:11 +0200
Diethard Jansen <diethard.jansen at gmail.com> wrote:

> To answer your question Larissa, yes you can use a table side by side.
> But the easiest way is to use it in combination with a replace
> statement:
> i.e.
> .. |vectorClassifySingle| image:: img/en/vectorClassifySingle.png
>    :width: 330
> .. |vectorClassifyGraduated| image::
> img/en/vectorClassifyGraduated.png :width: 330
> .. |vectorClassifyContinous| image::
> img/en/vectorClassifyContinous.png :width: 330
> .. |vectorClassifyUnique| image:: img/en/vectorClassifyUnique.png
>    :width: 330
> .. _figure_symbology_9:
> +---------------------------+---------------------------+
> | |vectorClassifySingle|    | |vectorClassifyGraduated| |
> +---------------------------+---------------------------+
> | 1. Single symbol          | 2. Graduated Symbol       |
> +---------------------------+---------------------------+
> | |vectorClassifyContinous| | |vectorClassifyUnique|    |
> +---------------------------+---------------------------+
> | 3. Continuous color       | 4. Unique value           |
> +---------------------------+---------------------------+
> Figure Symbology 9: Old Symbolizing Options |nix|
> On references ReST has definitely ReStrictions and it is not easy.
> You may also observe that I have introduced a 'special' reference for
> figures.
> In working_with_vector.rst there are many references to figures and I
> tried to keep them short and unique.
> For maintenance, to keep references unique, I decided to mingle the
> subject in the reference label definition.
> These are the only references (in my opinion) that may need
> translation as well (when possible).
> Please have a look and let me know if anyone knows of  a better
> alternative to handle references to figures.
> Regards,
> Diethard

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