[Qgis-community-team] figures side_by_side and references

Diethard Jansen diethard.jansen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 00:33:11 PDT 2012

To answer your question Larissa, yes you can use a table side by side.
But the easiest way is to use it in combination with a replace statement:


.. |vectorClassifySingle| image:: img/en/vectorClassifySingle.png
   :width: 330
.. |vectorClassifyGraduated| image:: img/en/vectorClassifyGraduated.png
   :width: 330
.. |vectorClassifyContinous| image:: img/en/vectorClassifyContinous.png
   :width: 330
.. |vectorClassifyUnique| image:: img/en/vectorClassifyUnique.png
   :width: 330

.. _figure_symbology_9:

| |vectorClassifySingle|    | |vectorClassifyGraduated| |
| 1. Single symbol          | 2. Graduated Symbol       |
| |vectorClassifyContinous| | |vectorClassifyUnique|    |
| 3. Continuous color       | 4. Unique value           |

Figure Symbology 9: Old Symbolizing Options |nix|

On references ReST has definitely ReStrictions and it is not easy.
You may also observe that I have introduced a 'special' reference for
In working_with_vector.rst there are many references to figures and I tried
to keep them short and unique.
For maintenance, to keep references unique, I decided to mingle the subject
in the reference label definition.
These are the only references (in my opinion) that may need translation as
well (when possible).

Please have a look and let me know if anyone knows of  a better alternative
to handle references to figures.

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