[Qgis-community-team] doing translation using OSX
Diethard Jansen
diethard.jansen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 22:22:17 PDT 2012
Thanks Paolo for answering,
Yesterday I was reading the stack of new features of QGIS release 1.8
Incredible soo much progress made!! I added some comments below.
And really great we can show it next week on OSgeo.nl day!
Regards, Diethard.
2012/6/21 Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com>
> Hi Diethard
> >
> > I found that I had to install gettext additionally to create mo.files
> from
> > po.files. I followed instructions
> > from
> http://www.rmnl.net/read-about/installing-gettext-snow-leopard-django/
> >
> yes, gettext is needed on linux as well, but I guess almost any
> distribution already includes it as it is being used extensively by
> many software.
> > For mac make compile_messages unfortunately does not work because the osx
> > find-command does not understand the printf argument that is used to
> remove
> > path from the full filename.
> >
> > Instead I had to use something like:
> > msgfmt source/translated/nl/preamble.po -o
> > source/translated/nl/LC_MESSAGES/preamble.mo
> >
> I do not understand what you mean exactly.
> In any case the Sphinx Makefile is customized, so you can compile all
> the messages, without bothering, simply with:
> $ make compile_messages
> I mean this line in the makefile that stops make compile_messages from
working (line 44):
for f in `find $(SOURCE)/translated/$$lang -name \*.po -printf "%f\n"`;
-printf "%f\n" is not accepted for a find on OSX.
it is used to return a list of filenames only. I could not figure out an
> > Next I continued to translated preamble using Qlinguist, which works
> fine.
> > However sometimes you have to restructure the rst document for the
> language
> > as well.
> > For example to give credits for the ones who have helped to translate the
> > document there is a need to add an additional table below the authors
> table.
> > This can not be done using Qlinguist.
> > So I propose that in every language tree there should be the
> possibility to
> > create rst documents that can be changed a little bit. During the build
> > these should override the main rst documents. Ofcourse the contents of
> the
> > rst documents should not be translated!
> I don't see a way an easy way to maintain two master copy as it would
> be required by this structure.
> Let's say we have the preamble.rst master document and a copy of it
> just for your language: when someone will change the original
> preamble.rst document, you would need to manually update your local
> copy (and then the .pot and .po files).
> I think it would be more convenient then not to use the Sphinx
> internationalization support then, but just translate the rst
> documents.
> What about adding a page in the master copy for this purpose, without
> complicating too much the structure? (local credits and so on...)
I prefer a mix of a few 'local' rst documents that have small changes that
need to be compared to the 'main' rst document to update at every release.
I agree that having local rst is probably going to take a bit more time for
maintenance, but not too much.
> > What I also miss now is the possibility to include the localized
> > screenshots.
> This can be already done (should be written in the readme, though, you
> are right): each directory should have an img directory for each
> language, where to put the localized ones.
> Then the translator in the .po file will need to update the link (from
> img/en/whatever.gif to img/fr/whatever.gif)
> Great! I just did not get that part! Now I understand.
> Hope is clear
> cheers
> p
> --
> Paolo Corti
> Geospatial software developer
> web: http://www.paolocorti.net
> twitter: @capooti
> skype: capooti
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