[Qgis-community-team] docs / website status

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Sat Nov 17 00:46:44 PST 2012


Because documentation.qgis.org is not updated apparently and I do not 
have access to it, I've put a copy of current status of 
documentation/website sphinx stuff here:

I decided to put the website stuff in the same tree (not sure if this is 
wise, but it was easiest now)
Not fully satisfied with the menu stuff in the left bar or the top 
breadcrumbs, but could not find a way to make it better.

It would be nice if other people will try to build/hack on it now 
((https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/blob/master/readme.rst) or 
add usefull content in rst files.
Or have a look into the styling stuff (it's all bootstrap, with the 
qgis-specific styling (mostly for the topmenu) in qgis.css).



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