[Qgis-community-team] 10th QGIS hackfest will be in Brighton (autumn 2013)

Otto Dassau dassau at gbd-consult.de
Tue Feb 26 02:19:54 PST 2013

Dear QGIS Community,

as you probably know, the FOSS4G conference 2013 will take place in
Nottingham from 17th - 21st September and we are happy that we are able to
combine it with the 10th QGIS hackfest.

Saber Razmjooei and Peter Wells from Lutra Consulting offered to host the
hackfest in Brighton from 12.-16. September 2013 right before the FOSS4G
(17th-21st September 2013). 

For people who are interested in going to FOSS4G afterwards it is not a long
trip from Brighton to Nottingham and we will try to organize the transfer.

As usual you will find all information in the wiki (not much to see yet):

We will start planning after the hackfest in Valmiera, which will take place
soon from 11th - 14th of April 2013:


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