[Qgis-community-team] Doc translation and related issues

Marie Silvestre marie_silvestre at yahoo.fr
Mon Jan 7 02:19:55 PST 2013

I'm back with a list of questions and remarks... (sorry!)

First, it seems I do not have the rights to merge my last pull request (https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pull/32) or I can't see where to click...

Then I was wondering if the pre_translate script is running because some strings have obviously been updated since the first translation but do not appear in the po files (and these parts stay in English in the doc...).

Do we have to fill the po files header?

There are 2 links for the doc :
Which one is which?
(the first link is given in the QGIS-Documentation/readme.rst file)

Finally I have found an error in the en doc (both versions!) :

"If you have accidentally hidden all your toolbars, you can get them
back by choosing menu option Settings ‣ Toolbars ‣."
Should be menu option "View" instead of "Settings".

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