[Qgis-community-team] Doc translation and related issues

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Mon Jan 7 13:10:13 PST 2013

On 07-01-13 21:40, Marie Silvestre wrote:
> I have just run the pre_translation script locally and it seemed to have
> worked: I now have a lot of fuzzy strings to update!
> I have started on some files and commited them to test if everything is
> fine so it's a work in progress...

Hi Marie,

thinking a little more about your 'problem', I think the crux here is 
that the po files in Github are/were maybe a little outdated. I once 
created all po files for all languages and checked them in.

And on the server the pre_translate is probably running, but the product 
is (correctly) not commited back every time/day.

For every rst file update theoretically we should update the po files 
also and check them in again. But because the rst are/were a little in 
flux I think it is better (at least to not have to much unnecessary 
commits) if a language coordinator does run the pre_translate script 
every once and a while for his/her language. So he/she can coordinate 
that also with the translation activity of her/his language.



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