[Qgis-community-team] Manuals and help

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Jul 11 03:02:32 PDT 2013

Thank you Victor, Otto, Paolo and others for explaining the situation. Makes sense to me what you propose.


Otto Dassau <dassau at gbd-consult.de> schrieb:

>I agree with Victors suggestion and his experience with the SAGA
>I think their community is just too small to handle this, so we should
>our own project and tell them, that they are welcome to contribute. And
>it is
>great to see, that we already have some people to work on it - thanks a
>for your offers!
>I remember we also talked a while ago how to integrate SEXTANTE docs
>the qgis manual apart from the help tab within the modules. Here I
>also support the idea of having something extra, not directly part of
>My idea for the SAGA module docs is:
>* it should be part of the documentation repository under 
>  https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/tree/master/source/docs
>* it should be written in RST with the same styles as the manual, so we
>can integrate it in the build/update/translation/... processes, like
>  other manuals
>* speaking for the manual I would still like to have kind of an
>introduction about SEXTANTE (we already have this) and then link to the
>  extra SAGA manual. As we did/do it for the INSTALL.rst in the qgis
>sources, we could have this introduction as part the extra SAGA manual
>just integrate it into the main qgis manual as a chapter. This should
>  no problem within the docs repo.
>* as a note for help pages from other applications, such as GRASS or
>we should just link to their web pages and integrate it in the SEXTANTE
>help tabs as it is already done, I think. It doesn't make sense to
>  more effort on this at this point. 
>  They are usually not translated but very well maintained, e.g for 
>  * GRASS -> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/index.html
>  * GDAL -> http://www.gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html
>So, I would love to see that we keep this interaction between the qgis
>manuals and the SEXTANTE module help in mind. So we are free to mix our
>docs as needed and people find a consistent (infra)structure, if they
>to contribute.
>Am Thu, 11 Jul 2013 09:51:39 +0200
>schrieb Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com>:
>> Samuel
>> Thanks for you contribution. However, those docs are generated
>> directly from the source code and do not have much information. Of
>> course, they can be extended, but that means that the source code has
>> to be modified in SAGA....which makes it impossible for people who do
>> not know C++ to contirbute to the code, plus it would be the SAGA
>> people who would handle contributions. Considering that they are not
>> very active even in their own community and that they do not use
>> github but a svn repo (that is, no pull request that are made
>> easily...but patches...), I see that as a huge barrier.
>> I prefer to have something external, RST-based, easy for everyone to
>> modify, and focused on how those algorithms should be used from
>> SEXTANTE. Let's be a little selfish on that. If we eventually have
>> good docs, I am sure the SAGA people will find the way of reusing our
>> docs and incorporate them in their structure. Then we can start
>> thinking about just taking them from upstream and coordinate with
>> them. Until that happens, let's keep things on our side to make it
>> easier.
>> Thanks everyone for you help- I plan to write some instructions about
>> how to collaborate and maybe a list of algorithms that are more
>> priority than others
>> I will keep you posted
>> Thanks
>> Victor
>> 2013/7/11 Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>:
>> > Hash: SHA1
>> >
>> > Il 11/07/2013 02:52, samuelmesa at gmail.com ha scritto:
>> >> I managedthroughasmallPythonscriptto getsomethehtml
>> >> helpofSAGAinthesextantsyntax:
>> >>
>> >> Script [1]: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5863377/
>> >> Sextant html file [2]: http://goo.gl/Sr12A
>> >>
>> >> But there are some html files with errors due to special
>> >> such as "/, (,)" in command names.
>> >>
>> >> To test this help should only copy the folder in the path:
>> >>
>> >> /usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/sextant/saga/
>> >>
>> >> I hope this can be a small solution for the moment.
>> >
>> > Great, thanks a lot. This opens back the issue:
>> > * should we write our own docs, or
>> > * contribute back upstream (adding only docs for the things changed
>> > sextante, as Victor outlined)?
>> > In the second case, how could we write the docs and send them?
>> > All the best.
>> > - --
>> > Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
>> > www.faunalia.eu
>> > Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
>> > Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario
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>Geoinformatik Büro Dassau - http://www.gbd-consult.de
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