[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Training Manual 2.0

George Irwin george at linfiniti.com
Mon Nov 25 03:48:22 PST 2013

Also above my pay-grade, but I’m sure that financially, porting the training manual to QGIS 2.0 is covered.

George Irwin
Project and Client Manager
Linfiniti Consulting
+27 (0)76 013 6355
Skype: georgeirwin22

On 25 Nov 2013, at 13:43 , Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:

>>> @boundless what about sponsoring part of this work?
> If you mean putting money so we can pay someone to help  us on this, I
> think this might not be among our plans (though I am not the one to
> decide on this, I guess I should ask someone above me). On the other
> hand, if you mean putting people, Jeff and me will be working on that
> and we have a good number hours alloted to work on QGIS docs in one of
> our projects, so we will be dedicating time to it. We still hadn't
> decided how to approach that and how to use those hours in the most
> effective way, but now that there are more people moving in this
> direction, I think is a good time to start working, and this seems the
> best topic to work on
> Jeff might had something to add to this once he's online
> Cheers
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