[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Training Manual 2.0

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Mon Nov 25 13:39:55 PST 2013


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 1:48 PM, George Irwin <george at linfiniti.com> wrote:

> Also above my pay-grade, but I’m sure that financially, porting the
> training manual to QGIS 2.0 is covered.
Yes to confirm we (==George mainly) will be porting the content and we will
try to do whatever else we can under the time / budget we have.

@Victor: Yes I forgot to mention your Processing training materials to
George when I briefed him, thanks for mentioning it.

I'm fairly sure the one thing we won't get to is the code for building
custom manuals, so if Boundless or others are able to pitch in with that it
would be awesome.

Also just a minor correction to George's initial email:

> 3. Implement generic datasets (OSM and Natural Earth) with the ability
(via scripts/tasks) for end-users to easily import localised cadastrals.

This is more for translators (and not particularly related to cadastrals
which can probably be removed from the content in favour of all OSM and
N.Earth datasets). The idea is that the translator will choose  a region
(using an online tool) and get an extract of data that he subsequently uses
for the examples and screenshots. This may mean that we are talking
'localisation / regionalisation' rather than translation per-se but will
allow e.g. an american training course to be conducted with e.g a dataset
from Yosemite or some other local place rather than e.g. Swellendam
(although the latter is obviously a far superior choice :-)).



>  *George Irwin*
> Project and Client Manager
> Linfiniti Consulting
> http://www.linfiniti.com
> +27 (0)76 013 6355
> Skype: georgeirwin22
> On 25 Nov 2013, at 13:43 , Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:
> @boundless what about sponsoring part of this work?
> If you mean putting money so we can pay someone to help  us on this, I
> think this might not be among our plans (though I am not the one to
> decide on this, I guess I should ask someone above me). On the other
> hand, if you mean putting people, Jeff and me will be working on that
> and we have a good number hours alloted to work on QGIS docs in one of
> our projects, so we will be dedicating time to it. We still hadn't
> decided how to approach that and how to use those hours in the most
> effective way, but now that there are more people moving in this
> direction, I think is a good time to start working, and this seems the
> best topic to work on
> Jeff might had something to add to this once he's online
> Cheers
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming services
 * GeoDjango web development
 * FOSS Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
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