[Qgis-community-team] Any .ts file for Hindi translation of GUI

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Tue Oct 1 13:52:47 PDT 2013

On 01-10-13 08:54, Harish wrote:
> Dear List,
> 1- Do we have any .ts file for Hindi (National Language of India)
> translation of GUI? I tried at github but not able to find it there.
> 2- How many man-days (considering 8 hours working per day) is actually
> required to translate GUI, Manual and Website separately? This is to
> calculate the fund requirement if translation process is taken
> officially in project mode.

Hi Harish,

I think Werner (in CC) can add 'hi' easiest as translation language for
I added 'hi' already myself to the Manual translation as language [0].
Please note currently master is not to be translated yet.
If you want to start translating te QGIS-Website plz let me know.

Currently only the QGIS-Website is translated via transifex website [1].
Both Manual and Application are translated by translatig the po files in
something like Linguist. We hope to migrate manual and anpplication also
to transifex in future.

How many man-days (community please correct me!!!):
- website is easiest: 4 man days (???)
- documentation: 15 days (??)
- application: 20 days (??)

Not sure about all those guesses, we (dutch) only translated application
100% :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/tree/master/i18n/hi
[1] https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/qgis-website/

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