[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Case Studies "Geogenealogy"

Otto Dassau dassau at gbd-consult.de
Fri Oct 25 22:43:51 PDT 2013

Dear Artur,

if you want to write a case study about Genealogy with QGIS, please send us
the full text (about 1 a4 page) together with some figures, also one of you
and some information about you as the author. See samples and more infos



Am Fri, 25 Oct 2013 13:30:06 +0000
schrieb Artur Zen <arturzen at hotmail.com>:

> Short Introduction
> Hi, my name is Artur Zen and I am a graduate in Electrical Engineering,
> Software Engineering and GIS. 
> Currently I work in systems development and people management, but in the
> free time, I am a lover of Geosciences, Geotechnology and Genealogy. 
> Story about your project/application and what QGIS is used for:
> The project objective is to demonstrate in practice all the possibilities
> of using GIS in Genealogy. 
> Since 2009 I've been collecting all my movements regardless of the means
> of transportation (bike, walk, run, car, bus, train, subway, etc.) 
> Now I'm in the process of publishing the results of this project as a
> whole (techniques, methodologies, equipment, software, etc.).
>  So I'm using QGIS and various Open Source solutions. (collecting and
> analyzing)
> Conclusion showing positive experiences/benefits using QGIS:
> I already use QGIS since version 1.6.0, but in version 2.0.1 my work is
> getting better.
> I am running 4 concurrent sessions QGIS, and in each of these sessions, I
> am processing about 3000 routes. 
> The performance has been excellent, as you can see in the video below. 
> http://youtu.be/jJhlSi3Xy4M
> In my view the main gains are related to import and organize these routes
> for spatial analysis and publication of statistical results. 
> I really like the work that this community is doing.
> Congratulations to all.
> Regards
> Artur
> Project numbers: 
> www.geogenealogia.info
> 4 years running 
> ~ 7000 hours for the collection of information 
> ~ 250,000 km mapped 
> ~ 13,000 routes 
> ~ 2,500 waypoints 
> ~ 700 MB in files. Kml

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