[Qgis-community-team] Database Modules in Training Manual
Tim Sutton
lists at linfiniti.com
Tue Jan 7 11:42:46 PST 2014
Yeah that sounds great.
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Jeffrey Johnson
<jjohnson at boundlessgeo.com>wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've gotten back to working on the training manual port to 2.0 this
> week and had a question/idea to bring up here. Module 14 currently
> titled "PostgreSQL" is actually much more about general database
> concepts than about PostgreSQL specifically. It makes sense to me to
> rename this one to "Database Concepts" and create a new module about
> actually using databases in QGIS, specifically about using the DB
> Manager. There doesn't seem to be any content in the training manual
> about the use of DB Manager currently, and there really should be. I
> think this new module could also include a bit about the use of
> pgAdmin III as well and could potentially cover the use of spatialite
> DBs as well since that is a default option in DB Manager. There is
> also one small section in the PostGIS section about the use of the
> SPIT plugin, but since this has been superseded by the DB Manager, It
> also makes sense to replace that section with DB Manager based
> content.
> If this sounds ok to everyone, I will go ahead and update section 14
> as much as is necessary and close out that ticket and start on this
> new module. If I dont hear back in a few days, I'll just get going
> assuming this sounds ok to everyone.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff
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