[Qgis-community-team] [Qgis-tr] latex/pdf guru's for failing Korean and Hindi pdf build available?

Ko Nagase nagase at georepublic.co.jp
Tue Jun 17 05:50:25 PDT 2014

Hi Richard,

Thanks for confirmation.

2014-06-17 21:14 GMT+09:00 Richard Duivenvoorde <richard at duif.net>:
> I had to install some more stuff (he, this is a western laptop :-)):
> texlive-xetex ko.tex-base ko.tex-extra

Oh, okay.

> BUT and forgot to do this:
>> [Create "source/i18n/ko/conf.py.diff" with the following contents]
>> =====
>> latex_elements = {
>>     'inputenc': '',
>>     'utf8extra': '',
>>     'preamble': '''
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \usepackage{xeCJK}
>> \setCJKmainfont{NanumMyeongjo}
>> ''',
>> }
> Then I got (locally here on my laptop):
> http://docs.qgis.org/2.2/pdf/ko/QGIS-2.2-UserGuide-ko.pdf
> which in de index shows me Korean chars, but in the actual manual text NOT.
> Can you elaborate a little more about  source/i18n/ko/conf.py.diff ?

About previous uploaded my PDF, I used the above contents for

> is this supposed to be a diff file, so I have to patch the conf.py
> during korean runs?
> Or is it supposed to be a diff file which will be picked up by the latex
> machinery somewhere?

Sorry, "diff" extension may not be good naming.
To process Korean PDF, custom "latex_elements" variable is necessary.
So, I merged(concatenated) original "source/conf.py" and extra
to one file("source/i18n/ko/conf.py") then pass its directory to
"sphinx-build" command "-c" argument.
> cp -f $(SOURCEDIR)/conf.py $(SOURCEDIR)/i18n/$(LANG)/; \
> cat $(SOURCEDIR)/i18n/$(LANG)/conf.py.diff >> $(SOURCEDIR)/i18n/$(LANG)/conf.py; \
> $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex -c $(SOURCEDIR)/i18n/$(LANG) $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex/$(LANG); \

So, please check that your current "source/i18n/ko/conf.py" includes
both original "source/conf.py"
and extra "source/i18n/ko/conf.py.diff" contents.


Ko Nagase (長瀬 興)
Georepublic Japan
mail: nagase at georepublic.co.jp
web: http://georepublic.co.jp

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