[Qgis-community-team] Creating Educational Resources For QGIS

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Mar 19 00:25:19 PDT 2014

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Il 18/03/2014 21:50, Colin D. MacLeod ha scritto:

> Would there be any issues in publishing a GIS workboook based around QGIS? In
> particular, would the production of a commercial, for profit workbook be at odds with
> the open source ethos of QGIS? Any profit made would be used to fund the academic
> research I do on whales and dolphins.
> SImilarly, are there any isses with offering commercial training courses based around
> QGIS? Again, this is something often get request for, but so far all the training I
> provide is based around ArcGIS and I would like to be able to offer an open-source
> alternative. Again, this is something I do to support my academic research.
> Thanks for any help anyone can give me on this as I wouldn?t want to progress with
> this project if it goes against the ethos of QGIS and the community that supports it.

Hi Colin,
thanks for raising point. I see no issue whatsoever neither in publishing anything on
QGIS, nor in offering commercial courses on it.
Please remember that QGIS is a free cooperative project, so contributing back to it,
giving back something of what you receive for free, would not only be appreciated,
but also important for the continuous improvement of the project itself.
There are many ways of contributing, you can easily find one that fits your situation.
All the best.
- -- 
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
Corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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