[Qgis-community-team] Processing help

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 08:34:49 PST 2014

Hi Matteo,

2014-11-27 13:01 GMT+02:00 Matteo Ghetta <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com>:
> * as you said some QGIS core algorithms are already documented, for example
> the *Help* tab of **reproject layer** is full. The help files of these
> algorithms are here [0], right? Can I copy/paste these help files to the
> processing_algs folder you have created? So we can begin to do some test..

Please DON'T copy old files over new ones and DON'T replace their contents with
old. Some algorithms was changed: parameters may be added, removed or renamed.
So overwriting may introduce errors and confuse users. Also format of help files
was changed to be more consistent with other QGIS documentation and to provide
more information about algorithm to users even if no description is available.

if you want to adapt old help file just open both files (old and new)
and copy-paste
text in appropriate places. Use TauDEM as example.

> * if I want to add an image to the algorithm description, I cannot
> understand where should I put it. Maybe here [1]? If so, I can add two lines
> in the documentation guidelines in order to explain this thing. BTW, png
> format is preferable right?

For images we should follow general documenation guidelines [0]. Maybe
it is better
to ask Alexandre Neto for help with this, as he already create
screenshoots for user
guide and can give some hints. It would be nice to have consistent screenshoots
(same OS, decorations etc) everywhere.

[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/tree/master/source/docs/documentation_guidelines#add-new-screenshots

Alexander Bruy

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