[Qgis-community-team] prev/next links in documentation
Tim Sutton
lists at linfiniti.com
Sat Sep 13 21:20:51 PDT 2014
On Aug 11, 2014 12:37 PM, "Richard Duivenvoorde" <richard at duif.net> wrote:
> FYI,
> I resurrected the next/prev links in the sphinx layouts, which were
> mostly missed while using documentation sites. It should be visible in
> both 2.2 and testing docs (after complete build).
> It involved some css and template fixes, in files which are shared
> between different qgis.org sites.
> So please let me know if you find those links on places where they
> should NOT appear or you find something else wrong.
> First thing I found out there is actually a unstyled index page...
Ah great thanks for doing this Richard.... It will make the training manual
much more usable.
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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