[Qgis-community-team] QGis + Orfeo Toolbox Error: The following layers were not correctly generated.

Thayse Nery thayse.nery at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 22 23:15:12 PDT 2015

Hi all,
I have been trying to do an object based classification using QGis + Orfeo Toolbox. I downloaded the QGis 2.8.2 and OTB from OSGeo4W Network Installer (Windows 64 bit). When I apply the Step 1: Mean Shift Filtering (Exact Large Scale Mean Shift segmentation, step 1) in QGis I got the following error:
The following layers were not correctly generated. • Filtered output • Spatial imageYou can check the log messages to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
The log message is:
Algorithm Mean Shift filtering (can be used as Exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift >-segmentation, step 1) starting... C:/Users/OSGEO4~1/apps..\bin\otbcli_MeanShiftSmoothing -in "C:/Users/Monteverdi/Feb2014_B234567.tif" -spatialr 5 -ranger 15 -thres 0.1 -maxiter 100 -rangeramp 0 -modesearch true -fout "C:/Users/Monteverdi/Filter.tif" -foutpos "C:/Users/Monteverdi/Spatiali.tif"Converting outputs Loading resulting layers
I have reinstalled the software twice and I also tried to save the outputs into different folders. The problem is not only using this command but also any other from the Orfeo Toolbox give me the same error.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this issue?
Many Thanks

Thayse Nery
PhD. StudentSchool of Agricultural and Resource Economics (M089)The University of Western Australia35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia 		 	   		   		 	   		  
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