[Qgis-community-team] Books section on our website
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Oct 13 02:40:34 PDT 2015
Hi Otto,
I think we should distinguish between the manual, training manual and
books. QGIS.ORG should be in charge/control about the manual, training
manual and Python documentation/cookbook - and let the other books be
written by other authors/publishers.
I see nothing wrong about asking for some reasonable money for buying a
book or ebook. After all it is a lot of work and you don't get wealthy
as a book author anyway. Not with books on IT (so short-lived and not
But I agree we could/should be more attractive to documenters to work
for our resources. The initiative to pay for core documenters is a good
On 13.10.2015 11:13, Otto Dassau wrote:
> Hi,
> +1 from me to add a book section to the web.
> Some additional thoughts: There are already several QGIS books published on
> packtpub. It seems to be attractive to write about QGIS there and not within
> the project. Within the project we usually don't have enough people, writing
> and updating our documentation.
> I mean we just started an Application Form to update the QGIS manual and it
> seems that we will find some help from that soon.
> I just wonder how can we be more attractive to people writing QGIS book? Of
> course we can say, we are happy to get some % from each packtpub book. But it
> would be much nicer, if we could publish our own (free) documentation. We
> could provide it as free download and people can pay for printed books, if
> they want and authors could get payed from that, too. Would it make sense to
> go in that direction, too?
> Regards,
> Otto
> Am Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:42:48 +0200
> schrieb "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neumann at carto.net>:
>> Hi website team,
>> I have been in contact with the company PacktPub - a company
>> specializing in IT and in particular OpenSource IT books. They publish
>> several books on QGIS. The nice thing is that they return some of the
>> revenues back to the Open Source projects. We just received a payment
>> over EUR 140 from Anitas book. They will add the other books to our
>> royalty scheme.
>> We also just recently added an entry in their Open Source section:
>> https://www.packtpub.com/books/info/packt/open-source-projects-starting-q
>> I noticed that we don't have a book section yet on our website. Given
>> that there are more and more books on QGIS, it would be nice to have
>> such a section. It would be a win-win situation - for PacktPub and for
>> us. And of course it wouldn't have to be limited to books from PacktPub
>> but can reference any books.
>> The PacktPub manager would offer us additional discount codes or group
>> discounts for ebooks if one wants to buy all QGIS ebooks at once - if we
>> integrate this in our web page. Please note - the more books there are
>> sold - the more we also get back from the royalty scheme program.
>> Thanks,
>> Andreas
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