[Qgis-community-team] 2.14 Documentation release date?

Yves Jacolin yjacolin at free.fr
Thu Jun 16 06:49:02 PDT 2016

Harrissou, All,

I thought something similar, so +1 for your proposition. We can also move 
bugs, python cookbook (5 tickets) to the next release.

For the last 40 issues we can share the tickets between 4-5 peoples :)

Camptocamp will invest 3 days of my time to work on this in the next weeks. So 
~ 20 tickets could be closed around the end of june. I will try to close 2 
tickets by week-end on my own time.


On Thursday, June 16, 2016 14:01:23 DelazJ wrote:
> Hi,
> Afaik, there's no date published. But I was planning to send an email
> proposing to the community to release 2.14 doc with the release of QGIS
> 2.16. At that moment QGIS 2.14 becomes LTR so nice to announce it
> concomitantly with a doc released.
> I don't know if we'll have all the 2.14 issues fixed at that moment so
> given that Richard has suggested in a previous thread that documenters
> decide when they are ready, I'd like to propose the use of a special tag
> (let's say "Blocker") to identify the features we'd like documented with
> the release. We then will concentrate our energy prioritarily on these ones.
> opinions?
> Regards,
> Harrissou
> 2016-06-16 13:35 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Neto <senhor.neto at gmail.com>:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I was wondering, can anyone tell me if we already have a release date for
> > 2.14 Documentation.
> > 
> > I want to make some contributions and I would like to make sure I have
> > time for it.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > Alexandre Neto
> > --
> > Alexandre Neto
> > ---------------------
> > @AlexNetoGeo
> > http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
> > http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
> > 
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