[Qgis-community-team] Translated websites

kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi
Tue Mar 1 09:00:15 PST 2016

Hi Richard.

for Finnish language I just wonder which are those updates to be translated for (eg.) 2.14 release.
I've the feeling that these has be no updates. Status of translations is just the same it has been a while as I've got no time (very unfortunate).


----Alkuperäinen viesti----
Lähettäjä : rdmailings at duif.net
Pvm : 01/03/2016 - 18:46 (S)
Vastaanottaja : Qgis-community-team at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe : [Qgis-community-team] Translated websites


looking at the websites now that 2.14 should be on the frontpage, it
appears that almost all languages are not refreshed/build since some weeks.

Almost every time it is because of one or two translation problems, most

- translation of a substitution item, like |gold| or |image16|
Please let translators know that this should never be translated

- links are broken because the use of wrong quotes: sphinx really needs
this one: ` in it's links.

- other errors.

So translations coordinators, please every now and then have a look into
the footer of the frontpage, there you can see when the webpage for your
language is build for the last time. IF it is more then one day ago...
the build failed and we should have a look into the logs what is wrong.

Just ask here on the list somebody to have a look then, OR try to build
your language yourself and find out yourself :-)

I'm still busy building the website one by one language to check and fix
them... now with 'id'/indonesian. Sometimes (like with Persian, I just
did not know how to fix it and then I just removed the whole translation
for that sentence, thereby fixing the build :-) )


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