[Qgis-community-team] Hello
delazj at gmail.com
delazj at gmail.com
Sat Sep 23 01:40:55 PDT 2017
Hi Niall,
Thanks for offering your help; it's much appreciated.
Having users willing to contribute is one of the strengths of open source, this is what makes the community stronger. Thanks again.
About the documentation challenges, the main issue we have is the lack of contributors: we do not have enough writers or reviewers to deal with all the improvements QGIS gets and i'm afraid the gap is growing due to the dynamics/enthusiasm around QGIS3.
You'll see the whole list of new features to document at www.github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues
To lower the barrier for newcomers, we also use the "Easy" tag to label issues that can be easily handled by beginners (https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AEasy). It can be a good start point.
The doc guidelines (http://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/documentation_guidelines/) and this list are here to help if need be.
About QGIS3, i wrote a quick note about things we'd need to do/discuss in my wiki at https://github.com/DelazJ/QGIS-Documentation/wiki/On-the-road-to-QGIS3 and I heard that a meeting has to be scheduled in upcoming weeks to discuss documentation's future. If you want to join...
Back to the user training part in which i'm not really involved as imho writing training materials requires a logic of writing/teaching i do not have yet, i think it really needs someone being interested in keeping it up to date and improve it with recent changes (not sure it got a lot of improvements since QGIS2.0 - except some Processing and Server parts). I'm not sure there's already a list of what to do so proposals are welcome. If you feel you can help moving forward, very nice (otherwise it's still nice to have your help in the doc).
Le 22 sept. 2017 14:09, Niall Conway <conwayniall at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi QGIS community team,
> I'm a regular user and big fan of QGIS software - I realise that that the project may not receive the thanks that it deserves however your efforts are appreciated.
> Unfortunately, I haven't had a whole lot of time to built into the community in the past but I now's as good a time as any I suppose. A little about myself - I'm from Cork in Ireland and have a background in geography, sustainability, planning and online education however I spend many years in consultancy learning (through trial and error) how to use GIS and how not to use GIS.
> So this has brought me to the current point of starting a business in developing the type of online resources which were missing when I needed it most.
> So with all this said, I'd be interested in learning about some of the challenges which your documentation team faces in keeping training material up-to-date coming up to version 3.0. I realise that it's early discussions but I'd like to perhaps see if I could tie in what I'm doing with the efforts of the QGIS project and try to give something back also.
> Anyway, thanks for reading and I'm glad to make contact.
> Best,
> Niall
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