[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Documentation: increase the speed of documentation writing

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 10:14:59 PDT 2018

Hi Yves, thanks for raising this matter.

+1 for making it easier to accept and merge contributions.

I would just swap the "There are typos" with the "location of the
contributions" position. Mainly because the typos can be fixed later
(unless there are major English problem that make the text difficult to
understand), where contribution location can mess things up badly, and
might be more difficult to untangle later.

Maybe, we should open dedicated tickets for reviewing and "sphinxifying"
content for non important and no blocker merged PRs (or remove some tags
and add some others (Screenshots, Needs English Review, Sphinx)).

Maybe we could use QGIS funds to hire someone that could tackle those
"after content writing" tickets, which may be much easier than finding
candidates that are both QGIS (advanced) users, good writing technical
English, and familiar with sphinx syntax.


Alexandre Neto

Yves Jacolin <yjacolin at free.fr> escreveu no dia terça, 18/09/2018 às 16:45:

> Hello community and documentation contributors,
> I would like to raise a discussion about the merge process in the QGIS
> documentation.
> My opinion is that the documentation process should be made easier in
> order to increase the dynamic and the speed of feature documentation. I
> do think we try to do our best to do some doc review, but probably not
> enough and not fast enough. We should improve this and be faster in
> order to be closer to the QGIS feature of the current public release,
> then look at how to improve documentation later. If features are well
> documented, we can probably pay for someone to proof read and fix
> english issue.
> In this purpose I would like to propose some keys to help merging PR and
> I would like to get your opinion.
> I would like to create three "levels" (a kind of guidelines) to
> accept/refuse a PR, in a similar way as QGIS issues:
> # Blocker (="need change" in review process)
> Impossible to merge the PR because:
> * Travis failed
> * There is typos
> * Write does not use any rst tags (:guilabel:, code-block, index, title,
> etc.)
> # No blocker but important (="comment" in review process)
> PR can be merged but contributors can improve it before merging because:
> * There is some missing rst tag
> * Some sentences are not well written (I mean most of doc contributor
> are not native english writer and so we are nos using the best english,
> this email is a good illustration)
> # Not important, just feedback (="comment" in review process)
> PR can be merged, this is mainly subjective or small changes as:
> * location of the contribution
> * need screenshot (or update)
> * fix a problem which has not been created by the PR
> * Not enough description
> Other contribution can create issue to not forget some of this changes
> proposals.
> We already agreed on the following, but better to tell it again: small
> fix (add rst tag, fix typos) could be merged as soon as travis is a
> success! So please, focus in small fix outside bigger PR :)
> I am looking forward to read your opinion :)
> Thanks to all for your great contributions!
> Y.
> --
> http://yjacolin.gloobe.org
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Alexandre Neto
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