[Qgis-community-team] [Qgis-user] training manual QGIS 3

Janneke van Dijk janneke.qgis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 05:51:33 PST 2019

Hi Harrissou and others,

With your steps described below it was perfectly clear what I had to do, 
no confusion in my mind whatsoever. So I just tried to compare it to the 
documentation (link: 
and will try to describe what according to me was not clear in the 

In the documentation, I had arrived at step 1, second bullet point, 
where it says "you therefore need to leave that page and follow the next 
step". Then, moving to the next step (2) it says "you can create a new 
pull request at any moment from many pages" - which "tricked" me into 
pressing the button "new pull request" from my own page - and I think 
the compare across forks option is either not there, or maybe it is not 
so obvious, and the "if needed" addition made it sound it might not be 
that important to click the compare across forks. Once you do click 
"compare across forks" it is more clear that what I thought was the 
actual "master" was just my own master, not qgis master.

For me, as a complete beginner, I would prefer the method you describe 
below (1. 2. 3. off you go) if it is a fool-proof way of creating your 
pull request. I do not necessarily need to know about all the other 
ways. Would it be possible/make sense to maybe have a simple workflow 
that always works (even if it is not the most efficient one) and 
separately discuss alternative methods?

I'll come back to the fix me button in another mail.


On 09/01/2019 21:01, DelazJ wrote:
> Hi Janneke,
> I guess you are talking about 
> https://github.com/janneke-qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pull/1 which is 
> unfortunately a pull-request against your own branch and not the 
> upstream one. This is a trap we all fall in at the beginning and 
> mentioned at 
> https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/documentation_guidelines/first_contribution.html#share-your-changes-via-pull-request
> What you have to do is also explained in the page I linked above (if 
> ever not clear, let us know, we'll try to improve it) but in short:
> 1. Go to https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pulls
> 2. Press "New pull request"
> 3. Click "Compare accross forks" and select your repo in the head fork 
> drop down menu and then the your branch (janneke-qgis-patch-1 in this 
> case)
> 4. Press "Create pull request"
> 5. And you are done!
> H.
> Le mer. 9 janv. 2019 à 18:46, Janneke van Dijk <janneke.qgis at gmail.com 
> <mailto:janneke.qgis at gmail.com>> a écrit :
>     Hi Alexandre and Harrissou (and others),
>     I'm trying to feel my way through the contribution thing and
>     github by starting with some small remarks/changes I suggested
>     myself. I think I have just made an edit and created a pull 
>     request - it tells me 'This branch has no conflicts with the base
>     branch'. Not sure how to proceed from here. Is this enough from my
>     side?
>     Thanks for some guidance....
>     Janneke
>     On 07/01/2019 23:27, Alexandre Neto wrote:
>>     Screenshots shouldn't be a blocker, you can take screenshots
>>     using windows. Then, if we have time, we can replace windows
>>     screenshots later.
>>     A seg, 7/01/2019, 18:17, Janneke van Dijk <janneke.qgis at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:janneke.qgis at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>>         Yes, I would be up for learning how to do it. I remember once
>>         upon a time trying to get started and somehow getting
>>         stranded before I got anywhere. Partly because I couldn't get
>>         linux to work on VM on my laptop so I couldn't do the screen
>>         shots.
>>         On 07/01/2019 17:39, Alexandre Neto wrote:
>>>         Some of those changes are quite small. Would you be
>>>         interested in learning how to fix it yourself?
>>>         A seg, 7/01/2019, 14:37, Alexandre Neto
>>>         <senhor.neto at gmail.com <mailto:senhor.neto at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>>>             Actually, someone already did it. Thanks!!
>>>             A seg, 7/01/2019, 14:37, Alexandre Neto
>>>             <senhor.neto at gmail.com <mailto:senhor.neto at gmail.com>>
>>>             escreveu:
>>>                 I can do it.
>>>                 A seg, 7/01/2019, 13:43, Janneke van Dijk
>>>                 <janneke.qgis at gmail.com
>>>                 <mailto:janneke.qgis at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>>>                     I've registered all that I've noticed, I just
>>>                     didn't manage to tag them with training manual.
>>>                     Should I do that or is that someone else who
>>>                     adds the labels?
>>>                     Janneke
>>>                     On 07/01/2019 00:42, Alexandre Neto wrote:
>>>>                     Better duplicated issues than missing ones . So
>>>>                     please report whatever you feel that is a bug,
>>>>                     or a possible improvement. That way we won't
>>>>                     forget.
>>>>                     Thanks!
>>>>                     A dom, 6/01/2019, 10:07, Janneke van Dijk
>>>>                     <janneke.qgis at gmail.com
>>>>                     <mailto:janneke.qgis at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>>>>                         Hi Harrissou,
>>>>                         Getting ready to at least list my
>>>>                         observations. Do I understand it correctly
>>>>                         that whatever is not mentioned in [2] is
>>>>                         not being addressed? Quite a few of my
>>>>                         remarks will also related to updating
>>>>                         screenshots, which I think has also been
>>>>                         mentioned as a general issue somewhere -
>>>>                         should I still list them separately?
>>>>                         Thanks for your assistance,
>>>>                         Janneke
>>>>                         On 05/01/2019 13:33, DelazJ wrote:
>>>>>                         Hi Janneke,
>>>>>                         Thanks for your tests. And indeed the
>>>>>                         training manual update is a work in
>>>>>                         progress and maybe could you publish your
>>>>>                         remarks as issue reports in the doc
>>>>>                         repository [0] so that we took them into
>>>>>                         consideration as we go.
>>>>>                         You are right about the missing data,
>>>>>                         there was a pull request [1] to integrate
>>>>>                         these data we forgot to merge. Done now!
>>>>>                         Download the dataset again, please.
>>>>>                         Note that we are reviewing initial lessons
>>>>>                         and have some pending updates for both
>>>>>                         lessons [2] and corresponding data [3].
>>>>>                         Tests and feedbacks are more than welcome.
>>>>>                         Thanks!
>>>>>                         [0]
>>>>>                         https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentations/issues
>>>>>                         [1]
>>>>>                         https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Training-Data/pull/15
>>>>>                         [2]
>>>>>                         https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Training+Manual%22
>>>>>                         [3]
>>>>>                         https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Training-Data/pull/17
>>>>>                         Regards,
>>>>>                         Harrissou
>>>>>                         Le jeu. 3 janv. 2019 à 13:22, Janneke van
>>>>>                         Dijk <janneke.qgis at gmail.com
>>>>>                         <mailto:janneke.qgis at gmail.com>> a écrit :
>>>>>                             Dear all,
>>>>>                               I'm currently going through the QGIS
>>>>>                             3 training manual
>>>>>                             (https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/training_manual/)
>>>>>                             using QGIS
>>>>>                             3.4.3 and documenting any changes that
>>>>>                             would still need attention. I
>>>>>                             understand that it's  a work in
>>>>>                             progress and hope/plan to contribute a
>>>>>                             bit in a later stage. What is
>>>>>                             complicating matters is that the data
>>>>>                             that
>>>>>                             I downloaded
>>>>>                             (QGIS-Training-Data-2.0.zip) does not
>>>>>                             contain all the
>>>>>                             layers that are mentioned (so far
>>>>>                             schools, restaurants, network_analysis
>>>>>                             folder and possibly some more that I
>>>>>                             may have skipped). Is there a
>>>>>                             complete/up-to-date data set
>>>>>                             available? Where can I find it?
>>>>>                             Thanks for any suggestions,
>>>>>                             Janneke
>>>>>                             _______________________________________________
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>>>>>                             Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
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>>>>                     -- 
>>>>                     Alexandre Neto
>>>>                     ---------------------
>>>>                     @AlexNetoGeo
>>>>                     http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
>>>>                     http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
>>>                 -- 
>>>                 Alexandre Neto
>>>                 ---------------------
>>>                 @AlexNetoGeo
>>>                 http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
>>>                 http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
>>>             -- 
>>>             Alexandre Neto
>>>             ---------------------
>>>             @AlexNetoGeo
>>>             http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
>>>             http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
>>>         -- 
>>>         Alexandre Neto
>>>         ---------------------
>>>         @AlexNetoGeo
>>>         http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
>>>         http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
>>     -- 
>>     Alexandre Neto
>>     ---------------------
>>     @AlexNetoGeo
>>     http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
>>     http://gisunchained.wordpress.com

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