[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Documentation Issue triage

matteo matteo.ghetta at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 02:01:14 PDT 2019

Hi guys,

as said in the Hackfest report email, during these days a lot of things
emerged a a lot of super interesting work is running.

Besides what I already wrote I really want to raise the issue topic. I
really really think we need a triage of the issue tracker of github,
else we will going crazy and issue number will just grow.

Some numbers here:

* 409 (!) open issues
* 30 labels. Some of them are not even linked to issues or pr. Maybe we
can clean a little bit this list
* 7 opened milestone (2.18, 3.0, 3.2 can be closed right?)
* we have some super old issues (the oldest is June 16 2015). I think we
have to check up and see if oldest issues are still valid (of course
even if old and valid we have to keep them open)
* the new backport App (Script, Bot.. whatever) added to QGIS code is a
great addition to QGIS-Doc (thanks Harrissou for this and thanks
Matthias!). It should really help in automatic backporting future PR

So what I'm proposing is: can everybody of us have a look at his/her own
issues and see if they are still valid?

Does this triage process make sense to you? IMHO there is a little bit
too much framework noise now, if we can keep things simpler this should
help also to have cleaner doc

Waiting for you feedback!



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