[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Support Request : Failed to download capabilities
Richard Duivenvoorde
rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Jul 4 23:07:40 PDT 2021
Hi Jonathan,
First: QGIS 3.6 is pretty 'old'...
Second: "download of capabilities" comes from the WMS or WMTS dataprovider, which is trying to retrieve the layers of that server (can come from 'Browser' too).
Is it possible that that actual server is dead.... and not responding anymore?
You are right: if your org does have a proxy to connect to the internet, you should QGIS tell it in the way you describe. If it is windows, there is also a good chance the proxy is picked up if you use the option 'use default proxy' (in the proxy type dropdown), but this depends on the proxy setup of your org.
What I would suggest: you yourself start by installing 3.16 our current 'LTR' (Long Term Release) version, that version has a 'Development/Debugging Tools panel; (just hit F12 like in a browser). THAT will reveal all network traffic that QGIS is doing. In that way you can replay the url that QGIS is trying to do (for getting capabilities).
If all is fixed (100% sure that is possible), then convince your org to install 3.16 org-wide :-)
Richard Duivenvoorde
PS: best mailing list for these questions is the User list (of if very technical, the Developers list). The community list is for 'community'-related questions officially.
On 7/5/21 7:51 AM, Jonathan Sugg wrote:
> Hi QGIS Community,
> Apologies if this is the wrong place to be asking this but it seemed like the most appropriate option to me.
> I’m an IT tech from the Department of Communities in Western Australia where we have a small number of users of QGIS, current version being v3.6.3. and we’re running Windows 10 v20H2.
> As of roughly the start of June, all users are receiving an error when they attempt to ‘connect’ in data source manager, the exact error is as below. (also see screenshot attached)
> *QGIS failed to download capabilities: download of capabilities failed: Error Creating SSL Context (unsupported protocol)*
> * *
> I found some information (see link below) that suggested resolving this issue would be a matter of configuring QGIS to use our proxy server to access the web and have tried that with no change in the result.
> https://toolkit.data.wa.gov.au/hc/en-gb/articles/115009530267-QGIS-WFS-WMS-Capabilities-Download-Failed-or-Connection-Timeout-Errors <https://toolkit.data.wa.gov.au/hc/en-gb/articles/115009530267-QGIS-WFS-WMS-Capabilities-Download-Failed-or-Connection-Timeout-Errors>
> We’ve also tested the connection while allowing the computer unfiltered direct internet access going around the proxy with no success. Since this started effecting all users at the same time, I didn’t see fit to try uninstalling and reinstalling the application from scratch. I did notice that after launching the application it is offering an update, however it’s suggesting version 3.2 whereas I understand we’re running 3.6, so I’m not sure what’s going on there. Based on this and the fact that we’re in a managed environment I was reluctant to install the update and didn’t do it.
> I’m not aware of anything in our environment that changed around that time that might’ve caused this either. Does anyone know what the common causes of this issue are?
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> * *
> *Jon Sugg*
> Associate Systems Engineer | Desktop Services
> Department of Communities
> *P*1800 435 733
> *W*communities.wa.gov.au
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *The Department of Communities acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Western Australia and their connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to their elders past and present. *
> The Department of Communities (Communities) formed on 1 July 2017 and is responsible for the delivery of child protection and family support, community grants, funding and initiatives, education and care regulation, disability services, housing and regional services reform. During the transition phase emails sent from the Housing Authority domain will be converted to the Communities email address. This message may contain privileged and confidential information and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). You must not disclose this communication to anyone without the prior consent of Communities. If you have received this email in error, please notify us by return mail, delete it from your system and destroy all copies. Communities has exercised care to avoid errors in the information contained in this email but does not warrant that it is error or omission free.
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