[Qgis-community-team] Choropleth mapping
Nick Bearman
nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk
Wed Jul 21 00:21:36 PDT 2021
Morning David,
It may be that QGIS has considered your data (Value-1) to be String
rather than Numeric.
The way to check this is right click on the layer, choose Properties and
Fields. What type is your Value-1 field listed as?
If it is string, you can use the Refactor Tool to change it to Numeric.
See this example:
The Pop2018 column contains population data, but QGIS thinks it is a
String (text). QGIS then wouldn’t
be able to display the data, or create a choropleth map with it. We need
to change the format from String
(text) to Double (number).
• Click Processing > Toolbox.
• Type Refactor in the search box.
• Double click on Refactor fields it might take a little while to load.
• Make sure we have our new MidYearEstimates layer in the Input Layer box.
• Change our Pop2018 field from String to Double.
• Click Run.
• When it has finished running, click Close.
This has added a new layer called Refactored. It has a little memory
chip icon next to it, which means
it isn’t saved anywhere.
• Check that the Refactored layer now has the population data in the
correct data type.
Once it is Numeric, it should be visible when you setup a choropleth map.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!
Best wishes,
On 13/07/2021 02:23, David Rhoads wrote:
> Folks:
> Please help me. I am very frustrated. I recently downloaded the
> current long-term release of QGIS (3.16.8). Two of you kindly
> suggested documentation to get me started. One problem, the
> documentation does not match the current shipping version of QGIS. In
> one case, the documentation was for QGIS 1. In the other case, while
> supposedly for QGIS 3.16, the screens in the documentation do NOT
> match what I see in my version of QGIS (I'm running Win 10).
> I am starting with a series of districts in a county. I want to do
> choropleth mapping in those districts based on numeric values in a CSV
> file. I am able to load the two layers, the districts from an SHP
> file and the numeric values from the CSV file and then to join them.
> When I try to generate the choropleth map, the name of the field
> containing the numeric values does not show up when I click on the
> Symbology tab. I can see that field in several other tabs, but not in
> the Symbology tab.
> I expect there is an easy solution to this, but so far it has eluded me.
> Attached are the Project file and the CSV file containing the data
> (Value-1) to apply to the polygons. Join is done on the PrecinctID
> column.
> David
> On 7/1/2021 1:20 AM, Evan Derickson wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> You can use the Graduated symbol renderer to make a choropleth map.
>> The official documentation on this is at
>> https://docs.qgis.org/3.16/en/docs/gentle_gis_introduction/vector_attribute_data.html#graduated-symbols
>> <https://docs.qgis.org/3.16/en/docs/gentle_gis_introduction/vector_attribute_data.html#graduated-symbols>,
>> but you may find something like
>> https://guides.library.duke.edu/QGIS/Symbolize
>> <https://guides.library.duke.edu/QGIS/Symbolize> to be more helpful.
>> Best,
>> Evan
>> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, 14:46 David Rhoads <dgrhoads at dgrhoads.us
>> <mailto:dgrhoads at dgrhoads.us>> wrote:
>> Does QGIS support choropleth mapping (i.e. ability to apply
>> colors to
>> polygons depending on a numerical value associated with each
>> polygon)?
>> Our application has to do with looking at the relative statistics of
>> voting precincts in Chester County, PA. We want to easily find
>> outliers.
>> If so, where in the documentation is this described? I've done some
>> looking and have not been able to find anything related.
>> Thanks,
>> David Rhoads
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Nick Bearman
Tel / WhatsApp / Signal: +44 (0) 7717745715
nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk
Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.
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