[Qgis-developer] Debian files for svn Qgis?

Niccolo Rigacci qgis at rigacci.org
Wed Nov 15 05:34:54 EST 2006

> In the mean time you are welcome to forward any patches to me and I
> will apply them to SVN.

I attach a "diff -Naur" from the original debian files and mine, 
but I am far to be a Debian mantainer, can someone revise the 

I summarize:


    Changed ./configure with ./autogen.sh
    Added --with-wfs and --with-python
    Leaving all the other parameters the same


    Updated the list of installed files (new plugins, etc)


    Updated Depends and Build-Depends

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

Iraq, missione di pace: 47016 morti - www.iraqbodycount.net
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