[Qgis-developer] plugin question

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 09:19:21 EDT 2006

On 9/8/06, humarco <marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Hi Radim,
> > Yes, GRASS plugin stores current GISDBASE, LOCATION
> > and MAPSET and it is reopened with project.
> I saved a project with a GRASS layer, but I cannot find these elements in the
> project file. Do I need to use the GRASS plugin in a different way that these
> elements are saved? The project file is attached below.

You must open a mapset first.

> > BTW, I am writing a new plugin and I have 2 problems:
> > 1) How to change it to standalone plugin with its own configure and
> >     make system.
> I don't see the problem here. You need to check for the qgis libraries
> (libqgis_gui, libqgis_core, ....), the qgis headers, the libraries qgis
> depends on and for the location of the plugins. Otherwise a normal autotool
> system.

But how do you get all the dependencies of QGIS libs,
for example postgres, geos, proj?


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