[Qgis-developer] Mac OSX - Clean machine setup issues

Tom Elwertowski telwertowski at comcast.net
Mon Feb 5 16:33:34 EST 2007

Martin Dobias wrote:
> On 2/5/07, Tom Elwertowski <telwertowski at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Martin Dobias wrote:
>> > I've added the paths so you shouldn't need to specify GSL_CONFIG,
>> > GDAL_CONFIG and GRASS_PREFIX on Mac anymore.
>> -- Found Proj: /Library/Frameworks/proj.framework
>> -- Found Sqlite3: /Library/Frameworks/sqlite3.framework
>> -- Found GEOS: /Library/Frameworks/geos.framework
>> -- Found GDAL: /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so
>> The latest change still finds the library even though the framework is
>> present. Also, the library filename is libgdal.dylib not libgdal.so.
> CMake searches first directories in PATH, then the additional
> specified directories - that's why it has chosen GDAL in /usr/local in
> your case. 

There are copies of proj, sqlite3, geos and gdal in both /usr/local and 
/Library/Frameworks. Why wouldn't the search path be the same for all 

If I set CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORKS to LAST, it will find all four in 
/usr/local. Leaving it unspecified (the default is FIRST) should find 
all four in /Library/Frameworks.

> Regarding dylib/so - are there both of them or only .dylib?

There are only .dylibs. On a Mac, a library is always a .dylib and a 
module or plugin is a .so.

> Btw. I've seen a commit from you to correct python bindings for mac -
> do they build and work correctly for you?

The commit fixes some link problems. I now get a "Python console" item 
on the Plugins menu. The menu item doesn't do anything and I haven't 
checked the code to see if it should do something. On Ubuntu, the 
bindings don't build because sip is too old and I haven't built anything 
from source there.

My Mac build probably compiled because my primary build has everything 
except Qt in /usr/local. Using frameworks usually exposes additional 
problems so I like to build using traditional paths first to minimize 
porting problems.


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