[Qgis-developer] Release plan for 0.9

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Sat Jul 7 10:00:48 EDT 2007

Hi Tim,

> At this point we can continue with another maintenance release
> (0.8.2), or move straight on to QGIS 0.9

> I'm in favour of focussing all our efforts on 0.9 now

I'm also in favour for moving straight on to 0.9. Because we just don't have 
the ressources to do bugfixing for two versions. Backporting bugfixes can be 
quite time consuming.

>Its a
> short schedule I propose so I'm putting this email out there now
> before I leave to get you all thinking about the  release

> - Complete feature freeze as of Monday 16 July 2007 - only bug fixes
> after this point
> - UI String freeze as of 30 July 2007 - call for translators
> - 13 August - preview 1 release and call for packagers to make test
> packages - 26 August - release of 0.9

One point to consider is the holiday season. I will be away from mid July to 
mid August and I suppose other developers will be in vacation too. 
Nevertheless, your schedule seems good to me and I think we should release 
0.9 in time, even if there are a number of bugs left.


Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee
marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch

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