[Qgis-developer] Release plan for 0.9

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Jul 10 01:52:47 EDT 2007

I also agree moving to 0.9 is better, as we do not have enough manpower
to maintain two versions in parallel.
I think a feature freeze should be done as soon as possible, and we
should concentrate on bugfixing. QGIS is getting the reputation of a
buggy and unstable sw, so we should address this first. I think printing
and crashing issues are the most serious ones.
All the best.

Marco Hugentobler ha scritto:
> Hi Tim,
>> At this point we can continue with another maintenance release
>> (0.8.2), or move straight on to QGIS 0.9
>> I'm in favour of focussing all our efforts on 0.9 now
> I'm also in favour for moving straight on to 0.9. Because we just don't have 
> the ressources to do bugfixing for two versions. Backporting bugfixes can be 
> quite time consuming.
Paolo Cavallini

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