[Qgis-developer] Latest Windows Builds

tisham at apogee.com.au tisham at apogee.com.au
Mon Jul 30 11:09:02 EDT 2007

Hi All,

Here are my builds for windows:
I did them a few days ago against head ... currently I have the  
following issue when building:
C:\msys\src\qgis\src\core\qgsapplication.cpp:32: error: definition of  
static data member 'QgsApplication::mPrefixPath' of dllimport'd class.

The binaries as zip are here:
and and NSIS installer is here:

Also for the attention of Godofredo is the current state of libecwj2  
which i have been slowly patching to compile in MSYS.
It involves patching headers to account for __GNUC__ and WIN32 defines  
both being set in mingw-msys, libecw code can't cope with that.

Please forward me the MSVC patch since I have a parallel build in MSVC  
for most of the QGIS dependencies.


Tisham(aka what_nick)

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