[Qgis-developer] Re: PostGIS driver in OGR doesn't support schemas

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Thu Mar 22 00:18:58 EDT 2007

Hi Mende!

Can you post questions to the list rather? Sometimes I dont get time
to answer all questions personally and others may be able to help.

Which version of QGIS win did you use? Can you test with


Since I tried to buid gdal with pg support in that version (I havent
tested it yet to see if it works though). Please let me know if it did



2007/3/21, Byambaa Mendbayar <mendbayar_b at mongol.net>:
> Dear Tim,
> I hope that your works are well.
> I had a problem on grass plug-in. I was trying to import PostGIS vector
> layer to GRASS. But it was not successes. It was reporting to me "PostGIS
> driver in OGR doesn't support schemas!" please find attached screen shot.
> Then I think that I need to compile GDAL for supporting missing thing (OGR
> support to schemas). However I do not know how to do it. I mean which
> configuration option should be turn on for supporting OGR support to
> schemas. Also how I compile it on my windows workstation. I guess that I
> should compile GEOS from following "c:\msys\src\geos-2.2.3" which is
> provided by you (latest msys.zip from Brasilia)
> Please provide me some advices.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Byambaa Mendbayar

Tim Sutton

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