[Qgis-developer] Some errata on linux installations of qgis
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Thu Nov 8 22:12:14 EST 2007
You are using the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX that points to the same dir as
where your sources are - is this intentional? Also the install
minifest error looks like a simple permissions error....
Martin would need to comment on the python issues.
2007/11/8, mccue at acm.caltech.edu <mccue at acm.caltech.edu>:
> Developers:
> Several problems are disussed here, with the plugins and compiling
> from source. I would classify these problems as "errata", since there
> are work arounds, but since I've spent some time on these I thought I
> would share my experience. Since everything is changing so rapidly on
> qgis it probably isn't worthwhile dealing with these at the moment.
> I'm not really a systems person but I've been playing around with
> qgis installation the last few days, trying to make plugins work (I am
> using the newlayer plugin from the recent workshop). I have four
> different configurations I am using, arranged as:
> Packages Source Version File version gotten from
> Debian I II lenny/sid /etc/debian_version
> Ubuntu III IV 4.0 /etc/debian_version
> (the source is the trunc on svn). On all these combinations,
> % python /usr/local/share/qgis/python/plugins/new_layer/__init__.py
> runs fine (at least, $? returns 0 and there are no error messages).
> as does
> /home/mccue/dev/cpp/share/qgis/python/plugins/new_layer/__init__.py
> when I use it for qgis built from source. This plugin seems to work,
> except in case (III), I get error messages in a separate window
> (labelled "Error"), of the form:
> Couldn't load plugin "newlayer"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 2, in
> ImportError: No module named newlayer
> The plugin manager now reports this plugin as __error__
> __error__ appears in the name field on the plugin manager (also in
> the version and description fields)
> Packages
> Debian (lenny/sid)|qgis from package (I)
> This was installed by a system administrator.
> Debian (lenny/sid)|qgis from source (II)
> This install went smoothly--the flag
> cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/dev/cpp/ ..
> is needed.
> Ubuntu (4.0)|qgis from package (III)
> While trying to install quantum from source I used the following
> commands listed on http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?cat=2.
> sudo apt-get -y install qgis grass qgis-plugin-grass mapserver-bin gdal-bin
> cgi-python-qt4 python-sip4 python-gdal python-mapscript gmt \
> gmt-coastline-data r-recommended gpsbabel shapelib libgdal1-1.4.0-grass
> Then has perrygeo suggest, I did
> http://qgis.org/uploadfiles/testbuilds/qgis0.9.0.debs_ubuntu_gutsy.tar.gz
> and run through a few .deb dpkg installations (see perrygeo for details).
> This worked (I had to do some tweaking--I think libgdal1-1.3.2 was
> what was available so I used it). I don't know whether these commands
> are available on your website (your wiki for installation didn't have
> it--I can't check now because the wiki is down).
> This gives me 0.9 of qgis
> Ubuntu (4.0)|qgis from source (III)
> Now I do a svn checkout and have the following problems in
> compiling/installing 0.9.1. Once again the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is
> needed
> cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/dev/cpp/ ..
> cmake/Python.cmake needs to be modified:
> Change
> # "import PyQt4.pyqtconfig\nprint PyQt4.pyqtconfig._pkg_config['pyqt_sip_dir']"
> to
> "import PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd\nprint PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd._pkg_config['pyqt_sip_dir
> since
> PyQt4.pyqtconfig._pkg_config['pyqt_sip_dir']
> doesn't work (PyQt4.pyqtconfig doesn't have _pkg_config) and
> PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd._pkg_config['pyqt_sip_dir']
> does (PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd has _pkg_conifg)
> With this change make goes all the way through. Now, on make install
> had to be set to make the installation work
> Then make install died with this error
> CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
> /home/mccue/dev/cpp/qgis/cmake_install.cmake:50:
> FILE Internal CMake error when trying to open file:
> /home/mccue/dev/cpp/qgis/install_manifest.txt for writing.
> Current CMake stack: /home/mccue/dev/cpp/qgis/cmake_install.cmake
> make: *** [install] Error 255
> But looking at the cmake_install.cmake it seems that all the
> installation was done before this error was hit, and qgis seems to
> work
> Ken McCue
> Research Scientist
> California Institute of Technology
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release Manager
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