[Qgis-developer] Possible fix for #804

Gavin Macaulay gavin at macaulay.co.nz
Wed Nov 21 21:58:30 EST 2007


I've been thinking about bringing up a dialog after the user has 
selected a file to let them choose the file type (but only if they 
haven't already done so in the file chooser).


Steven Bell wrote:
> A question about a fix for ticket #804 
> <https://svn.qgis.org/trac/ticket/804> - In the GPS plugin "Import other 
> file" tool, the user must select a file and a file type, or else the 
> file field will remain empty.  It isn't immediately obvious to the user 
> that selecting a file is not sufficient.
> My thought is to just display a warning dialog if the file type is 
> empty.  Currently, a warning is sent to the terminal, but the user 
> doesn't see anything.
> Is there a different way that would be better than a dialog?
> Steven
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