[Qgis-developer] (no subject)

Gavin Macaulay gavin at macaulay.co.nz
Thu Nov 22 02:10:35 EST 2007


An observation about the recent font bug workaround commits for the map

I have been working on ticket #181 (multiline labels in the map composer)
and have a working solution that seems to have rendered the qt font bug
workaround unnecessary (I needed to set FONT_WORKAROUND_SCALE to 1 to get
the label font to draw at the right size).

I'm not sure what the qt font bug is, and hence am not sure why my
multiline changes have removed the need for the workaround (I am using
QPainter::draw(QRectF, ..., QString) instead of QPainter::draw(QString)
with the QRectF obtained from QFontMetrics::size()).

Does anyone know what the font bug is?


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