R: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] EPSG:2180 not recognised, although present in srs.db

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Wed Apr 9 03:34:16 EDT 2008

I built QGIS (latest SVN trunk) against an older PROJ 4.5.0 this time, 
and GDAL 1.4.4. Still no good. Below is the relevant debug output when 
loading the GeoTIFF. Looks like QGIS recognises the CS properly, but 
then fails to find a matching one in srs.sb. Any ideas what is the reason?

Nodoby's yet reproduced my problem. Two users even report the sample 
GeoTIFF works OK for them. While it doesn't for me, and I can reproduce 
the issue on Debian with QGIS built against PROJ 4.5.0 or 4.6.0 and GDAL 
1.4.4 or 1.5.1, as well as in Tisham's lastest build for Windows.

506: (readFile) Raster initial SRS
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1104: (debugPrint) ***SpatialRefSystem***
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1105: (debugPrint) * Valid : false
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1106: (debugPrint) * SrsId : -1234357864
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1107: (debugPrint) * Proj4 :
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1108: (debugPrint) * Desc. :
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
254: (createFromWkt) QgsSpatialRefSys::createFromWkt(QString theWkt) 
using: PROJCS["ETRS89 / Poland 
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
364: (createFromProj4) QgsSpatialRefSys::createFromProj4 wholetext match 
on name failed, trying proj4string match
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
450: (getRecord) QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord...running query: select * 
from tbl_srs where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=19 +k=0.9993 
+x_0=500000 +y_0=-5300000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs'
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1078: (openDb) QgsSpatialRefSys::openDb path = 
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
484: (getRecord) QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord...trying system qgis.db
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
1078: (openDb) QgsSpatialRefSys::openDb path = /home/shoofi/.qgis/qgis.db
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord failed :  select * from tbl_srs 
where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=19 +k=0.9993 +x_0=500000 
+y_0=-5300000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs'
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
527: (getRecord) QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord retrieved:  select * from 
tbl_srs where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=19 +k=0.9993 
+x_0=500000 +y_0=-5300000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs'
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
425: (createFromProj4) QgsSpatialRefSys::createFromProj4 globbing search 
for srsid from this proj string
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
753: (findMatchingProj) QgsSpatialRefSys::findMatchingProj...
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::findMatchingProj will only work if prj acr 
ellipsoid acr and proj4string are set!...
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
427: (createFromProj4) QgsSpatialRefSys::createFromProj4 globbing search 
for srsid returned srsid: 0
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
293: (isValid) It's an invalid SRS without valid proj4 string
511: (readFile) 
512: (readFile) QgsRasterLayer::readFile --- using wkt

513: (readFile) 
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
250: (createFromWkt) QgsSpatialRefSys::createFromWkt -- theWkt is 
uninitialised, operation failed
Critical: QgsSpatialRefSys::createFromWkt -- theWkt is uninitialised, 
operation failed
Debug: /home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/core/qgsspatialrefsys.cpp: 
293: (isValid) It's an invalid SRS without valid proj4 string
/home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/gui/qgsprojectionselector.cpp: 151: 
(ogcWmsCrsFilterAsSqlExpression) exiting with '1'.
Projection entries found in srs.db: 2680
SQL for projection list:
select description, srs_id, is_geo, name, parameters from vw_srs where 1 
order by name, description
SQL for projection list executed ok...
Size of projection list widget : 20
Fetching user projection list...
/home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/gui/qgsprojectionselector.cpp: 151: 
(ogcWmsCrsFilterAsSqlExpression) exiting with '1'.
User projection list sqlselect description, srs_id, is_geo, name, 
parameters from vw_srs where 1
Finding selected attribute using : select srid from tbl_srs where srs_id 
= 2585
/home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/gui/qgsprojectionselector.cpp: 276: 
(getCurrentProj4String) mySrsId = 2585
/home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/gui/qgsprojectionselector.cpp: 277: 
(getCurrentProj4String) USER_PROJECTION_START_ID = 100000
/home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/gui/qgsprojectionselector.cpp: 301: 
(getCurrentProj4String) db = /usr/local/qgis09/share/qgis/resources/srs.db
/home/shoofi/src/straight/qgis09/src/gui/qgsprojectionselector.cpp: 320: 
(getCurrentProj4String) Selection sql: select parameters from tbl_srs 
where srs_id = 2585
Item selected : WGS 84
Item selected full string : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs


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