[Qgis-developer] FindByAttribute Plug-In v0.2

Mauricio mauricio.dev at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 17:03:48 EDT 2008

As already discussed, thanks, Anita, for upgrading it. :D
Hum... as my version is no longer necessary, i removed it from the repository.
Good luck with any new plugins.
Hum... is there any place where i can read desired features to implement in 
plugins (as far as my knowledge and avaiable time allow it).

Em Wednesday 23 April 2008 08:07:22 Anita Graser escreveu:
> Hi,
> Since Maurício published his FindByAttribute Plug-In in February, I found
> that working without it is pretty annoying. Especially searching layers
> with a lot of features can be really time consuming if you have to wait for
> the AttributeTable to load. ... But I guess you know that.
> Version 0.2 has the following features:
> * 5 relational operators: =,<,>,<=,>=
> * = operator works like "=" not "LIKE"
> * Messagebox telling how many features were found
> Bugfixes:
> * Icon is diplayed in toolbar
> * Attribute list without duplicate entries
> The Plug-In is available via the Official QGIS repository.
> If you find any bugs (sure you will), let me know of them.
> Ciao,
> Anita

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