[Qgis-developer] Patch to Remove Qt3 Dependencies

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Mon Apr 28 09:00:47 EDT 2008


I also had problems with applying the patch - seems to be diffs of
various of the CMakeLists.txt files.  I did a bit of hacky workarounds
and was able to mostly compile under windows and mac with the
exception of some qt3isms remaining in:


Though I'm unsure if this is simply a symptom of me not tweaking the
patch properly.



2008/4/28 Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch>:
> Hi Tom,
>  Many thanks for this patch.
>  I tried to apply it and ran into the following problem with r8383 from trunk.
>  Then the compile fails (probably because of the patching problem?).
>  Regards,
>  Marco
>  marco at ikapc2:~/src/qgis$ patch -p0 < /home/marco/tmp/qgisqt4_r8378.diff
>  patching file python/core/qgsmaplayerregistry.sip
>  patching file src/app/qgsdelattrdialog.h
>  patching file src/app/qgsbookmarks.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsserversourceselect.h
>  patching file src/app/legend/qgslegendlayerfile.cpp
>  patching file src/app/legend/qgslegend.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsattributetable.cpp
>  Hunk #1 FAILED at 16.
>  1 out of 27 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
>  src/app/qgsattributetable.cpp.rej
>  patching file src/app/qgsoptions.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgssearchquerybuilder.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsattributetable.h
>  patching file src/app/qgsattributeactiondialog.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsmeasuredialog.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgspastetransformations.cpp
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.cpp
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposerlabel.cpp
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposer.cpp
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposervectorlegend.cpp
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposerscalebar.h
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposervectorlegend.h
>  patching file src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.h
>  patching file src/app/qgsattributetabledisplay.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgspgquerybuilder.cpp
>  Hunk #1 FAILED at 13.
>  1 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
>  src/app/qgspgquerybuilder.cpp.rej
>  patching file src/app/qgsabout.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgisapp.h
>  patching file src/app/qgspythondialog.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgspythonutils.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsgeomtypedialog.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsvectorlayerproperties.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsnumericsortlistviewitem.h
>  patching file src/app/qgsgraduatedsymboldialog.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsdbsourceselect.cpp
>  patching file src/app/main.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsdelattrdialog.cpp
>  patching file src/app/qgsnumericsortlistviewitem.cpp
>  patching file src/app/CMakeLists.txt
>  patch: **** malformed patch at line 2869:
>  Am Freitag 25 April 2008 04:43:54 schrieb Tom Elwertowski:
> > Hello all,
>  >
>  > Here is a patch which removes use of Qt3 routines for all of QGIS except
>  > the GRASS plugin:
>  >
>  > http://telwertowski.home.comcast.net/qgisqt4_r8378.diff
>  >
>  > Please test it and send comments. After resolving any issues, I would like
>  > to submit it to svn trunk.
>  >
>  > The GRASS plugin, which probably contains about half of the Qt3
>  > dependencies, will be done later. The patch was done to build with the
>  > Qt/Mac/64bit alpha1 release; Qt3 features are not being ported to
>  > Mac/64bit.
>  >
>  > Three categories of changes have be made:
>  >
>  > 1. Remove use of qt3support library (Q3 classes).
>  > 2. Remove use of qt3 compatibility routines in qt4 classes.
>  > 3. Remove automatic cast of QString to char*.
>  >
>  > Classes and places with non-trivial changes are:
>  >
>  > Q3Table to QtableWidget (qgsattributeactiondialog, qgsattributetable,
>  > qgsmeasure) Q3ListView to QTreeWidget (qgsbookmarks,
>  > qgsrasterlayerproperties, qgsgeomtypedialog, qgsserversourceselect) Q3Dict
>  > to QHash (qgsprojectproperty)
>  > Q3Process to QProcess (qgsgpsplugin)
>  >
>  > The most complex change involved handling selections in the item view
>  > classes (tables, trees and lists) so this should be tested the most.
>  >
>  > In spite of its name, QTreeWidget also handles multicolumn lists which are
>  > not trees; just set rootIsDecoated to false. Qt4 QListWidget is for lists
>  > with one column and no header.
>  >
>  > Qt4 has two classes for each item view: QTable/Tree/ListWidget and
>  > QTable/Tree/ListView. The Widget classes contain a backing store and the
>  > View classes don't. The Widget classes correspond more closely to the Q3
>  > classes.
>  >
>  > qgsattributetable, which can take a while to load large tables, should
>  > probably be rewritten as a QTableView with an QAbstractTableModel subclass
>  > to pull individual cells directly for the provider as needed. It has been
>  > ported as a QTableWidget to keep the port straightforward and not introduce
>  > additional refactoring into this edit.
>  >
>  > Removing automatic casts of QString to char* also uncovered some odd code.
>  > Defining QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII will produce a compile error whenever an
>  > implicit QString cast occurs. Based on these two examples, this macro
>  > serves as 'lint' for QStrings.
>  >
>  > QString str; delete str; // compiles due to cast of str.
>  > tr("abc" + def + tr("ghi")) // ought to be tr("abc") + def + tr("ghi")
>  >
>  > In most cases, I have used toUtf8() to eliminate implicit casts. If a file
>  > already used toAscii(), toLatin1() or toLocal8Bit(), I also used it to keep
>  > the file consistent. Implicit casts have also been removed from the GRASS
>  > plugin so that QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII can be defined for all future builds.
>  >
>  > The patch has been tested using Qt4.2, 4.3 and 4.4RC1 as well as
>  > Qt4.4-Cocoa-alpha1.
>  >
>  > Tom
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Qgis-developer mailing list
>  > Qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
>  > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
>  --
>  Dr. Marco Hugentobler
>  Institute of Cartography
>  ETH Zurich
>  Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee
> _______________________________________________
>  Qgis-developer mailing list
>  Qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
openModeller Desktop Developer
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niche modelling tool
Home Page: http://tim.linfiniti.com
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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