[Qgis-developer] Re: [QGIS Commit] r9685 -
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Sun Dec 14 02:12:34 EST 2008
Its set to 0.26 in trunk now...
On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 21:26 +0100, Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Tim Sutton pisze:
> >> Thanks Tim for looking into this. Now there are 3 different default
> >> width settings - "Unique Value" uses 0.1, "Continous color" 0.4
> >> and the other two 0.2 as I suggested. Please unify this id
> >> possible. Thanks again.
> > Done in r9710
> Another problem now. 0.2 is not wide enough when neither "Fix
> problems..." nor "Make lines appear less jagged..." are set in rendering
> options. For 0.2 outline there are gaps in lines - see the ticket [1]
> and screendumps attached to it.
> A minimum outline width at which the issue is gone in all cases that I
> checked is 0.26. Is this a feature or a bug? If a feature, I think QGIS
> should default to 0.26 for a workaround.
> Maciek
> [1]https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/1447
Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
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