[Qgis-developer] themes in the Grass plugin (r9900)

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Sat Dec 27 07:51:41 EST 2008

Hi Tim,

I believe the qrc file for GRASS plugin is redundant now since I've swithed to 
reading the png files in r9872: 

-  QString myPath = ":/" + QgsApplication::themeName() + "/grass/" + theName;
+  QString myPath = QgsApplication::activeThemePath() + "/grass/" + theName;


-  QString myDefaultPath = ":/default/grass/" + theName;
+  QString myDefaultPath = QgsApplication::defaultThemePath() + "/grass/" 

This fix allows the use of themes not compiled into QGIS but installed 

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