[Qgis-developer] Need a little help again with Python bindings

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 07:13:38 EST 2008

Hi Pete,

I've took a look at it, the problem was in missing body of destructor
for QgsRasterShader. It seems that gcc handles this situation
gracefully without any warnings, however binding was not able to
encounter symbol for the destructor. I've commited fix for it in


On Jan 7, 2008 4:45 AM, Peter Ersts <ersts at amnh.org> wrote:
> Martin,
> When you get a change can you take a look at the SIP files in the raster
> transparency branch? I have been trying to keep them up-to-date and
> adding new SIP files where necessary, but it seems I have run into a
> snag. All the SIP file that I have been modifying (qgsrasterlayer.sip)
> or adding correspond to file in /src/core/raster/
> Everything compiles without error, but the bindings will not load when
> QGIS starts. I am sure it is something very simple, but I am a
> python/SIP idiot. The problem seems to be centered around the
> QgsRasterShader class. If I comment out the rastershader class in the
> core.sip file and a corresponding line in the qgsrasterlayer.sip file,
> everything compiles and at least loads. Uncomment it, and it compiles
> with out errors but fails to load at runtime.  I have even gone as far
> as to comment out all functions/methods in the qgsrastershader.sip file
> and it  compiles but still does not load. ldd does report many undefined
> symbols but most seems nonsensical, as they are common functions/methods
> in the core.
> Again, I am sure it is something very simple. If you can commit to the
> branch, feel free to do so, otherwise send me a patch and I will apply
> the fixes.
> Thanks.
> -pete
> --
> ====================================
> Peter J. Ersts, Project Specialist
> American Museum of Natural History
> Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
> Central Park West at 79th Street
> New York, New York 10024
> Tel: Home Office (518)-632-4745 or NYC Office (212)-496-3488
> Web: http://biodiversityinformatics.amnh.org
> Web: http://cbc.amnh.org
> Quantum GIS Raster Development Team. Visit http://www.qgis.org
> to learn more about QGIS, a free and open source desktop GIS
> Open Source,
> ...evolving through community cooperation to change the world bit by bit

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