[Qgis-developer] CMake configure changes for MinGW

Marco Pasetti marcopstt at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 05:05:49 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I would like to introduce some changes into the CMake default configuration 
for MinGW, to reflect the "structure" of the QGIS_MSYS_Environment.zip I 
currently provide (see: 
http://www.webalice.it/marco.pasetti/qgis+grass/BuildFromSource.html#Quantum%20GIS). I 
always used CMake with its GUI, but I would like to learn how to write the 
config files (CMakeLists, right?) to let qgis be correctly configured with 
the current provided MSYS Environment, thus without the need of further 
CMake "lines hacking". Where can I find documentation about that?



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