AW: [Qgis-developer] rendercontext-branch

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at
Mon May 12 02:53:09 EDT 2008

Hi Tom,

I had the change to test on a intel mac with OS X and Qt 4.3.4. I don't see 
the scramble bug, but I see the resize bug. Seems that we have all possible 
combinations now :-)

I disabled incremental screeb update and the possibility to stop rendering for 
now on Mac until we have threaded rendering.

Btw. do you have a link that describes the problem with the resize events on 
Mac? I could not find anything about it in the Qt documentation.


Am Freitag 02 Mai 2008 09:34:03 schrieb Tom Elwertowski:
> Hugentobler Marco wrote:
> > Ok, I now compiled the branch on the G4 (in debug mode). I don't have the
> > two issues, it does not scramble and also the main window resizes
> > properly (does not snap back). Should I try also release mode or maybe
> > the problem is more likely to appear on newer (faster) hardware?
> The scramble bug is related to OS version or processor. Yesterday, I found
> it using an Intel Mac with OS X 10.5. Today I built the branch on a G4 Mac
> with OS X 10.4 and I do not see the problem. Both are using Qt 4.3.4.
> I still see the resize bug on the G4. Prior to r8394, it happens only when
> the update threshold is greater the zero. With r8394, it always happens.
> Tom
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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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