[Qgis-developer] GRASS toolbox enhancements

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Wed May 14 13:56:23 EDT 2008

Hi Marco

You updates sound great. Once others have tested them & voiced their
opinions, be sure to ask Marco Hugentobler to commit them to SVN.



2008/5/14  <marco.pasetti at alice.it>:
> Hi all,
> Yesterday and today I played a bit with the GRASS toolbox, starting from
> some missing or not-working *pieces* that I usually use in my jobs and that
> would like very much to have in the GRASS toolbox, thus avoiding me to use
> the tollbox shell (or even GRASS itself) for such *common* tasks: that's
> what I did:
> 1) I removed the g.region module and replaced it with 8 different g.region
> modules.
> why? Because g.region is very useful, as long as setting the correct for
> particular tasks
> why 8? Because the GRASS toolbox currently doesn't permit to select
> exclusive options. We need to build a module for each exclusive option
> needed.
> Here's the new modules:
> 1.1) g.region.raster - Set the region to match a raster map
> 1.2) g.region.multiple.raster - Set the region to match multiple raster maps
> *
> 1.3) g.region.region - Set the region from a named region
> 1.4) g.region.res - Change the 2D grid resolution (both N-S and E-W) of the
> current region
> 1.5) g.region.save - Save the current region as a named region
> 1.6) g.region.vector - Set the region to match a vector map
> 1.7) g.region.multiple.vector - Set the region to match multiple vector maps
> *
> 1.8) g.region.zoom - Shrink the current region until it meets non-NULL data
> from a given raster map
> * this is actually a walk-around; I needed to set the option as file to let
> user type in multiple map names separated by a comma; the single version,
> though, is very comfortable because it automatically lists all the map
> available in the work space... even if you can't select more than one
> 2) I added the r.patch module; such as the g.region.multiple.* modules, this
> is a walk-around
> 3) I modified the r.proj module, that was useless since it was impossible to
> select the raster map to reproject; such as the r.patch modules, this is a
> walk-around
> 4) I added the r.proj.res module; it's the copy of the r.proj module, plus
> the feature to let redifine the resolution of the raster map while
> reprojecting
> 5) I modified the v.in.db module; now it's possible to pick up the db file
> via GUI, select the table name and db driver
> 6) I worked on the v.in.ogr module: the module was useless since it was
> impossible to select the input and parameters values; I fixed it, added some
> important options and flags, and re-designed the v.in.ogr modules as
> follows:
> 6.1) v.in.ogr.list - list all available layers in a given OGR data source
> 6.2) v.in.ogr - Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers
> 6.3) v.in.ogr.loc - Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers and create a fitted
> location
> 6.4) v.in.ogr.all - Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a given data
> source
> 6.5) v.in.ogr.all.loc - Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a given
> data source and create a fitted location
> 6.6) v.in.shape - Import ESRI Shapefile vector layers
> 6.7) v.in.shape.loc - Import ESRI Shapefile vector layers and create a
> fitted location
> The last two modules are very comfortable since they use the *pick up* file
> GUI tool, with a filter set to *shp files
> 7) I added the v.patch module; such as the r.patch modules, this is a
> walk-around
> I tested all the new and modified modules with qgis-0.10.0 on MS Windows (my
> build), and they all work very, very fine ;-)
> Dowload the following files (I have problems with attaches today):
> - default.qgc.diff -> to patch the /src/plugins/grass/config/default.qgc
> file
> - modules_files.tar.gz -> unpack to  /src/plugins/grass/modules
> http://www.webalice.it/marco.pasetti/qgis/default.qgc.diff -> needed to
> patch the /src/plugins/grass/config/default.qgc file [ patch -p0
> <default.qgc.diff ]
> http://www.webalice.it/marco.pasetti/qgis/modules.tar.gz -> unpack to
> /src/plugins/grass/modules
> cmakesetup ..
> make
> make install
> and test ;-)
> Comments will be very appreciated
> Marco
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
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