[Qgis-developer] Version number in plugin path - So where the matter was dropped?

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 10:31:34 EST 2008


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Borys Jurgiel <borys at wolf.most.org.pl> wrote:
> What form do we fix? I suggest the following:
> def qgisMinimumVersion():
>  return '1.0.0'
> Where returned string contains two or three (both cases are allowed) integer
> values separated by points.
> The important question is if we expect one of the values to be more than 9. If
> not, we can just compare them as strings. But '10' < '9', so if version
> 1.0.10 or 1.10.0 is expected, we need to extract each level and compare
> separately as integer. In this case we should be prepared that the plugin
> author may put some suffix to this string, what might raise exception. In the
> former case such suffix will be confusing too, because
> '1.0preview2' > '1.0'.

you have to expect also partial version values > 9.
QGIS releases must be versioned correctly, i.e. always use scheme "x.y.z-txt".
Project file versioning already depends on this fact, so the same
should be expected in plugin installer.

> And for repository metadata I suggest the following form:
> <qgisMinimumVersion>
> 1.0.0
> </qgisMinimumVersion>



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