AW: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Announcing Qgis-mapper project

Tim Sutton tim at
Tue Nov 18 11:37:24 EST 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 09:56 +0100, Hugentobler Marco wrote:
> Hi Martin
> I'm looking forward to all the enhancements too.
> SLD: With the changes Martin described, it will be possible have support for all the elements that can be described with SLD (or at least for all that come to my mind now). Of course the xml reading/writing needs to be provided by QGIS, same as the trolls had to provide reading/writing svg and mapping to QPainter.

Hi yes I think just setting cap style is missing (but there may be other
things I am unaware of).

> By the way, there is also a newer specification called Symbology Encoding (SE). Even if most of the elements are the same as in SLD, we should directly consider this spec for the XML parsing, especially for the  namespaces.

Ah thats good to know. Is SE an OGC standard set to replace SLD?


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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