[Qgis-developer] python plugins bugs
Paolo Cavallini
cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Oct 15 13:42:04 EDT 2008
Hi all.
I am running a course on QGIS, and we stumbled across a few problems
with python plugins.
64bit machines running Fedora Core crash regularly while running fTools,
specifically when selecting the file name to save to. This might be
related to path lenght, but not in an obvious way. 32bit are ok.
Message is:
Warning: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::findMatchingProj will only work
if prj acr ellipsoid acr and proj4string are set!...
Segmentation fault
Additionally, the regular points utility (under fTools) has apparently
an encoding problem:
An error has occured while executing Python code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/paolo/.qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools/doRegPoints.py",
line 76, in accept
mLayer = self.getMapLayerByName(unicode(inName))
File "/home/paolo/.qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools/doRegPoints.py",
line 188, in getMapLayerByName
if layer.name() == unicode(myName,'latin1'):
TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported
Python version:
2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 29 2008, 21:31:01)
[GCC 4.3.2]
Python path:['/usr/share/qgis/python',
'/home/paolo/.qgis//python/plugins', '/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins',
'/usr/lib/python2.5', '/usr/lib/python2.5/plat-linux2',
'/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload',
'~/.qgis/python', '/home/paolo/.qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools',
Covex hull plugin puts the same ID (the last one) to all polygons,
instead of the correct ID from the points file.
Split plugin generates incorrect file names (not the value from the
variable field, but filename_VARIABLE_<PyQt4.QtCore.QVariant object at
List unique values seems to add a blank line, thus giving incorrect
results (N+1).
Mapserver export plugin does not append automatically the extension
".map" to the file name.
Check geometry validity: the status bar does not work.
Multipart to singlepart and vice versa seem to have inverted names.
ManageR freezes after loading a layer if the projection of a layer is
not set.
Ready for testing if necessary. Please let me know whether I should open
tickets for this.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://faunalia.it/pc
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