[Qgis-developer] PostGIS manager

John C. Tull john.tull at wildnevada.org
Tue Oct 28 13:38:58 EDT 2008

On Oct 27, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Gary Sherman wrote:

> On Oct 27, 2008, at 1:01 AM, Martin Dobias wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:49 AM, Gary Sherman <sherman at mrcc.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> I got it loaded, but it crashes QGIS (current trunk) on the Mac:
>>> Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
>>> Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000004
>>> Crashed Thread:  0
>>> Thread 0 Crashed:
>>> 0   QtCore                              0x00318443
>>> QString::operator==(QString const&) const + 19
>>> 1   libqgis_core.1.0.dylib              0x1da94a8e addKey_(QString  
>>> const&,
>>> QString const&, QgsPropertyKey*, QVariant) + 108
>>> 2   libqgis_core.1.0.dylib              0x1da94ef7
>>> QgsProject::writeEntry(QString const&, QString const&, bool) + 87
>>> 3   libqgis_core.1.0.dylib              0x1da94ffe  
>>> QgsProject::QgsProject() + 198
>>> 4   libqgis_core.1.0.dylib              0x1da9513d  
>>> QgsProject::QgsProject() + 17
>>> 5   libqgis_core.1.0.dylib              0x1da95174  
>>> QgsProject::instance() + 52
>> Weird, when exactly does it crash? Actually the plugin doesn't use
>> QgsProject in any way so I would be quite surprised if it's the  
>> plugin
>> what causes the crash.
>> Martin
> The plugin loads when QGIS starts. When I click on the tool icon  
> QGIS crashes. There is no project loaded. I'm using Qt 4.3.x---I  
> wonder if your plugin relies on a more recent version since Jctull  
> is able to run it.
> -gary

My debug build now crashes also. Here is the output after I hit the  
plugin button.


Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 189: (loadFromDb) load CRS from / 
resources/srs.db where epsg is 4326
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 195: (loadFromDb) failed : / 
resources/srs.db does not exist!
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatetransform.cpp: 139: (initialise) SourceCRS seemed invalid!
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:  
156: (setEllipsoid) setEllipsoid: a=™, b=˜, 1/f=*
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 363: (createFromProj4) wholetext  
match on name failed, trying proj4string match
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 450: (getRecord) running query:  
select * from tbl_srs where parameters='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84  
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 457: (getRecord) failed : /resources/ 
srs.db does not exist!
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 424: (createFromProj4) globbing  
search for srsid from this proj string
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 734: (findMatchingProj) entered.
Warning: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::findMatchingProj will only work  
if prj acr ellipsoid acr and proj4string are set!...
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 426: (createFromProj4) globbing  
search for srsid returned srsid: 0
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatetransform.cpp: 109: (setDestCRS) entered.
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatetransform.cpp: 139: (initialise) SourceCRS seemed invalid!
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgsscalecalculator.cpp: 127: (calculateGeographicDistance) Distance  
across map extent (m): 0
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgsscalecalculator.cpp: 78: (calculate) Using conversionFactor of  
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgsscalecalculator.cpp: 81: (calculate) Can't calculate scale from the  
input values
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 189: (loadFromDb) load CRS from / 
resources/srs.db where epsg is 4326
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp: 195: (loadFromDb) failed : / 
resources/srs.db does not exist!
Map units per pixel (x,y) : 0, 0
Pixmap dimensions (x,y) : 1, 1
Extent dimensions (x,y) : 0, 0
0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000 :  
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgsscalecalculator.cpp: 127: (calculateGeographicDistance) Distance  
across map extent (m): 0
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/ 
qgsscalecalculator.cpp: 78: (calculate) Using conversionFactor of  
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/core/qgsmaprenderer.cpp:  
194: (adjustExtentToSize), Scale (assuming meters as map units) = 1:  
Debug: /Users/jctull/sources/qgis/trunk/src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:  
1182: (moveCanvasContents) moveCanvasContents: pnt 0,0
Bus error

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